Welcome to the Dubai Investments Center, located in UAE - the leading investment destination country (2022) with 700k+ companies and:
  • 92,600 US-dollar millionaires;
  • 4,000 multi-millionaires worth more than $10 M;
  • 251 centi-millionaires (over $100 M);
  • 15 $-billionaires.
Dubai Investments Center is a Business Hub created with the support of legal, financial and investment organizations of the UAE, under the supervision of the international Consulting Consortium SANDJAR GROUP (headquartered in Dubai).

Investment Opportunities in UAE
Dubai is a world center of innovations and investors
Successful Fundraising Cases
Investment Business Projects and Capitalization
$250M, IP-Shares Legal Framework, IP-Protection, Risk Assessment, NFT, Investments, Valuation, IP-Strategy, etc.
$3 M, IP-Protection, Valuation, Risk Assessment, IP-Strategy, Monetization, etc.
$15 M, Innovations Protection, IP-Strategy, Trade Secret, Know-How, Monetization, etc.
$25 M, IP-Portfolio, IP-Protection, IP-Strategy, Monetization, etc
$ 9 M, IP-Protection, Licensing Agreement, Risks Mitigation, Monetization, IP-Strategy, IP-Portfolio, Investments, etc.
$1,5 M, IP-Shares Legal Framework, IP-Protection, Risk Assessment, NFT, Investments, Valuation, IP-Strategy, etc.
Our Results and Achievements
DUBAI INVESTMENTS CENTER is a business project of SANDJAR GROUP - a global legal and business consortium of 16 companies and 247 experts, lawyers, consultants, attorneys, and litigators, headquartered in Dubai and providing services in Law Enforcement, IP-Protection, Monetization, and Investments industries in 35 countries (including USA, Europe, Asia and GCC Region).

SANDJAR GROUP is known for its leadership by Dr. Sandjar Muminov, who serves as President of SANDJAR GROUP and was recognized as a World Best (TOP-5) Intellectual Property Experts.
He is also one of the best litigation lawyers in IP-Industry.
Years of Experience
Investment Deals
IP-Capitalization for Clients
'Hello, You finally found a good, strong, global partner to protect and monetize Your business assets & creative ideas!

No need to waste time - let's make a serious deal today!

Choosing our team - You will not make mistake'
President of
Services and Products developed by World TOP-5 Expert
Business protection
Assessing the value of intellectual business assets for the purpose of selling or attracting investors

Valuation of Business
Сontrol of partners and contractors

Franchises and licenses
Registration of brands, trademarks, legal protection of technologies, products, know-how, production secrets

Intellectual property audit
Сreation of patent and copyright documentation for registration of rights to business projects in the field of IT, blockchain, tokenization

Blockchain and tokens
Study of legal purity, analysis of business risks from the point of view of protection of intellectual property rights

Attraction of investments from GCC-region based private and institutional investors, preparation projects and businesses for sales, investment deals, corporate structuring and legal frameworks creation

Trough selling to Investors the Intellectual Property of Business Project (IP-SHARES)
Key Characteristics of IP-SHARES INVEST Service:
How it works:
Consultation with
IP-Specialist, payment
Creation IP-Portfolio,
valuation, IP-Shares
Attraction of investments
through selling IP-Shares
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Statistics and Results:
Total Attracted Investments
Total Value of IP-Shares
Successful Cases of IP-Selling
You'll be in good company with our clients!
You'll be in good company with our clients!
We are the International Experts
In Investments Attraction
Let us help you to find investments in UAE.

First consultation is free of charge!
Our Monthly Membership Packages
(1) FREE Package (for Accredited Residents):
  • Registration Fee: Invest-Test ($350)
  • Monthly Fee: Free of Charge
  • Accredited Resident ($170)
  • InvestCheckup ($300)
  • Business Consultancy 1 hour ($30)
Total standard price: $ 850
Per Month
(2) STANDARD Package:
  • Registration Fee: Invest-Test ($350) + Membership ($100)
  • Monthly Fee: $50
  • Accredited Resident ($170)
  • InvestCheckup ($300)
  • IP-Portfolio ($500)
  • Business Consultancy 4 hours ($120)
  • Risk Assessment ($1,200)
  • Updates about Changes in Laws ($500)
  • Updates about Last Cases ($800)
Total standard price: $ 3,940
Per month
(3) PREMIUM Package:
  • Registration Fee: Invest-Test ($350) + Membership $10,000
  • Monthly Fee: $100
  • Accredited Resident ($170)
  • InvestCheckup ($300)
  • IP-Portfolio ($500)
  • Business Consultancy 8 hours ($240)
  • Risk Assessment ($1,200)
  • Updates about Changes in Laws ($500)
  • Updates about Last Cases ($800)
  • Expert Consultancy 2 hours ($1,500)
  • Emergency support in legal cases ($1,000)
  • Direct mentoring and supervision by President of SANDJAR GROUP ($3,000)
Total standard price: $ 9,560
Per month
We prioritize a customized approach for each project, conducting comprehensive analyses to identify both risks and business opportunities. This enables informed decision-making, fostering sustainable project development and success
Invest-Project Rating System of DIC
Analytical Product of Dubai Investments Center:
IPG-Rating (Invest-Project Global Rating)
IPN-Rating (Invest-Project National Rating)
Financial Support for Different Invest-Project Rating Passes - for covering legal, IP, registrations, consultancy and valuation services expenses:

1) Start-Pass: upto 30%

2) Silver-Pass: upto 50%

3) Golden-Pass: upto 70%

4) Platinum-Pass: upto 80%

Types of Partnership with our Center:

Regional Office
On-time Payment
Managing Partner
On-time Payment
Licensed Partner
On-time Payment
Free of Charge
© 2016-2023 S M Management Consultancies Co. All rights reserved
Headquarters of Dubai Investments Center:

General Consultancy Support:

(Dubai Mainland Front Office)
S M Management Consultancies Co.
Address: IBN BATUTA Gate Offices
Business Center, Office 57, 11th Floor,
PO Box 72800, Dubai, UAE
T: +971 50 154 65 71
W: www.dubai-investments.co
Financial Support:
Dubai Silicon Oasis
Regional Offices: UAE, UK, USA, China, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republik, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other regions and countries